Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Religious Texts: Biblical Texts:

Representations: Religious Texts:

[Info] Harding, James. »In the Name of Love: Resisting Reader and Abusive Redeemer in Deutero-Isaiah.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia 2005.

[Info] Harding, James. »In the Name of Love: Resisting Reader and Abusive Redeemer in Deutero-Isaiah.« The Bible and Critical Theory 2 (2006): 14.1-14.15.

Isaiah 13

[Info] Witt, Douglas A. »The House Plundered, the Women Raped: The Use of Isaiah 13 in Zechariah 14:1-11.« Proceedings: Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies 11 (1991): 66-74.

Isaiah 47

[Info] Frechette, Christopher. »Daughter Babylon Raped and Bereaved (Isaiah 47): Symbolic Violence and Meaning-making in Recovery from Trauma.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Baltimore 2013.

[Info] Frechette, Christopher G. »Daughter Babylon Raped and Bereaved (Isaiah 47): Symbolic Violence and Meaning-Making in Recovery from Trauma.« Bible through the Lens of Trauma. Edited by Elizabeth Boase et al. Atlanta 2016: 67-84.

Isaiah 51-52

[Info] Sawyer, Angela S. »Comfort the Waste Places, Defend the Violated Earth: An Ecofeminist Reading of Isaiah 51:1–52:6 and Tracy Chapman’s Song “The Rape of the World”.« Journal for Religion, Film and Media 6 (2020): 21-33.